Belgian-Chilean Chamber

Our Story
The Belgian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce has been founded in 2004 by a group of people, sharing the same passion: the bilateral relationship between Belgium and Chile. Bilateral trade and academic and cultural exchanges continue strengthening this flourishing relationship.
Belgium and Chile have a long history of strong cooperation, dating back to 1832, with the first consular representation from Belgium in Chile, evolving further to the establishment of solid diplomatic relations since 1880. Both our countries share important values. On the economic field, Belgium has significantly contributed to the economic development during the 20th century. The Belgian presence in Chile today still remains very important, with approximately 3000 Belgians residing in Chile and almost a quintuple of the Belgian direct investments in Chile over the last 15 years. Chile also has important investments in Belgium, related to the mining industry. Finally, we also witness a growth tendency of our bilateral trade.
The Belgian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce has an interesting role to play within this framework of strong cooperation and friendship between both our countries. Together with our sister chamber in Santiago (Camara Belgolux), we offer support to the economic interests of our members. We also have an informative role, by keeping our members updated on the latest developments on trade and investment policies and concrete commercial opportunities. The exchange of our strong network of relationships means a lot to our members. By organizing interesting activities and trade missions, our Chamber continues bringing the business, academic and cultural communities of both Belgium and Chile together.
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